Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Easy Bread Pudding

After a really long break , back to blogging..:) the lock down activity for me.

Its lock down time for the kids also, they cannot go out to play. The snack frequency  has also increased. 
The hardest job is to keep them busy, to take away their attention from Gadgets and bring them to the real world, make them do something that they really enjoy. So I decided to bake with my 12 year old son today. He enjoyed every bit of it.  He actually Love food, you can say a real foodie, always ready to volunteer in tasting. Today he was acting like a junior masterchef following my instruction  and making this yummy Bread pudding. :) 
so this is kids version, simple with limited ingredients.


Salt- pinch of salt
milk – 2 cup
Sugar-1/3 cup
Bread slices -6
Grounded Cinnamon - ½ tsp
Vanilla extract- 1/2 tsp
Nuts (crushed)- 50g
Raisins - 1/4 cup


Preheat your oven to 180 degrees 

In a mixing bowl, add a pinch of salt and whisk the eggs and sugar. you can use a fork or a hand whisk will do. i did not use the electric mixer here 
once the sugar is mixed with the eggs, add the milk, make sure that the milk is not too hot, Hot milk curds the eggs.
Add Cinnamon powder and vanilla extract and mix well.
Cut your bread slices in small cubes, or you can tear them into any random shape.
In a glass bowl arrange the bread pieces and pour the egg milk mixture, the bread pieces has to soak completely in the mixture
Garnish with Raisins and nuts. 
Bake for 40-45 minutes in the preheated oven

cool completely and enjoy your pudding!

I actually wanted to take more pictures of the pudding , but they were so eager to taste, leaving me less option for better photos. Will update it when i make it next time.