Friday, March 8, 2013

Parippuvada (Lentil Fritters)

Parippuvada is a favorite tea time snack in Kerala. Nothing tastes better than a hot cup of tea and paripuvada especially on a rainy day . The combination makes you nostalgic and homesick.  out of words to explain that feeling.  
Paripuvada is crisp on the outside and soft inside. I love the smell you get when you fry these ,. Easy to make…  and this is how my mother makes it… 


Chana dal (kadala parippu) –  1 ½  cups
Onion – 1 big, finely chopped
Green chilli – 2-3, finely chopped
Ginger – 1 ½  tsp, finely chopped
Curry leaves – 3-4 stems, finely chopped
Kayam (asafetida) – ⅛ tsp


Soak Dal for 2-3 hours.
Drain well and coarsely grind it without adding water
Add the chopped onions, green chillies, ginger, curry leaves, asafetida and salt to the dal, and combine it gently with hand.
Make small small balls, wet your hands and flatten each ball within your palms.
Heat oil in a deep pan.  When the oil is hot enough add the flattened balls.
Fry the vadas on low-medium heat, till it becomes crispy and brown.
Drain it on tissue paper, and serve with Hot tea.